
I want to deactivate my account

  • Tap on the 'Account' icon in the bottom navigation bar.
  • Select the 'Settings' tab at the top.
  • Select the 'Account settings' option.
  • Click on 'Deactivate my account'.

I want to change how and when I receive notifications

To change your notification settings:

  • Tap on the 'Account' icon in the bottom navigation bar and select the profile to view the full details.
  • Select 'Account settings' from the list.
  • Turn on/off notifications based on your preference.

I have found my partner, what do I do next

Congratulations! Here's what you have to do next:

  • Tap on the 'Account' icon in the bottom navigation bar and select the profile to view the full details.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the 'Marriage fixed' button.
  • Tap on the gift box image and select the appropriate source through with you found your partner for life (From Wedviser or Other).

My issue is not listed here

Please explain your issue in detail:

I would like to suggest some improvements

We are glad to hear from you, please tell us how we can improve: